Florida’s Demographic Estimating Conference decided not to make any updates because of changes to federal and state immigration policies.
The state Demographic Estimating Conference says Florida added almost 359,000 people last year.
As the Sunshine State continues to grow, its population is getting older. Sea level rise is also prompting people, especially young workers, to move inland while aging communities stay on the coast.
South Carolina and Florida were the two fastest-growing states in the U.S. this year. New estimates released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday show that the South dominated population gains in 2023.
The joint report from the University of Florida and 1000 Friends of Florida found a 23% increase in population and just under a foot of sea rise by 2040 could wipe out a million acres of undeveloped land.
More people — and more buildings to house them, often in coastal areas — mean that a major hurricane could become more costly and destructive. That's raising concerns as Hurricane Ian approaches.
Florida’s population growth is modestly slowing as deaths outpace births, and as a rush of people moving from other states during the COVID-19 pandemic subsides.
The school board says the tax is essential to help plan and allot money for new schools as more housing is built — and an influx of people move into the area.
While Florida and Texas continued to see significant population increases, the nation’s growth rate was 0.1 percent, the lowest rate ever.
About 60 percent of Florida households have responded to this year’s U.S. Census, trailing 31 other states in response rates, according to information…
We’ve all seen the signs of Florida’s population growth: more housing complexes are being built, traveling to work takes a few minutes longer than before,…
More than 300,000 people have moved to Florida each year since 2015 and state economists are predicting the trend to continue into 2024.In a recent…