The regulations, proposed in June, ban credit agencies from including medical debts on consumers’ credit reports and prohibit lenders from considering medical information in assessing borrowers.
Those surveyed say the shooter has “a great deal” or “a moderate amount” of responsibility for the Dec. 4 shooting of Brian Thompson. Still, some see the suspect as a heroic figure.
Brand-name drug prices in the U.S. — more than three times the price in other developed countries — are related neither to the amount of research and development nor their therapeutic value, research shows.
The Jane and Daniel Och Family Foundation donated to RIP Medical Debt, a nonprofit that buys unpaid hospital bills in bulk at a reduced rate and pays them off.
With little or no income, disability applicants are seeking Social Security early retirement benefits even though it could cost them tens of thousands of dollars in future income, lawyers say.
Designed to prevent doctors from deploying expensive, ineffectual procedures, preauthorization has morphed into a monster that denies or delays care, burdens physicians with paperwork and perpetuates racial disparities.
The billionaire entrepreneur, Dallas Mavericks owner and "Shark Tank" star is making waves with his new drug company. But his generics aren’t always the lowest-priced deal.
Patients who depend upon special drugs to treat rare diseases are caught in the crossfire as drugmakers and the FDA battle over regulations that reward companies for developing treatments for relatively small pools of patients.
In August, Congress approved a $35 cap on what seniors will pay for insulin, but that change came too late to add to the online tool that helps Medicare beneficiaries compare drug and medical plans.
A Delray Beach-based filmmaker talks about the impact of hospital mergers on the cost of the care the new system provides, as spotlighted in her documentary, InHospitable.
A Trump administration rule mandating that hospitals disclose true prices on their websites took effect this year. But compliance is spotty and even when figures are public, they are hard to find and understand.
Health insurance premiums and deductibles for employer-sponsored plans are costing workers more this year, according to a report from Kaiser Family...