"Anywhere we could put a warehouse has been destroyed by floodwaters and may not be safe for storing supplies," one aid group says of the widespread destruction brought by Hurricane Dorian.
FREEPORT, GRAND BAHAMA | Claudina Swann is searching for an object in the storm debris scattered around her backyard in the Bahamas. “Something was here...
FREEPORT, GRAND BAHAMA - After days of living on a devastated island with no electricity or running water, thousands gathered at Freeport Harbour in...
More than a thousand Bahamians emerged from the arrival doors at the Port of Palm Beach on Saturday morning, many looking for family members and friends...
"We acknowledge that there are many missing and that the number of deaths is expected to significantly increase," Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said in a statement late Friday.
In the escalating debate over weather projections, meteorologists fear their credibility is at stake.
For everyone who filled up sandbags in advance of Hurricane Dorian and is now wondering how to get rid of them, county officials throughout Tampa Bay say:…
For people who don't have consistent access to food, the effects of Hurricane Dorian could linger for weeks. Floridians who were scheduled to receive...
Hurricane Dorian delivered a minor blow to much of Florida this week after spending a deadly day and a half over the northern Bahamas. Dorian is the...
This week, Hurricane Dorian devastated the northern Bahamas and stalked Florida, which was spared a direct hit, for days.
Dorian has made landfall over the North Carolina's Outer Banks on Friday, lashing the low-lying barrier islands as a weakened Category 1 hurricane.A…
Hurricanes such as Dorian are providing valuable data and modeling for planners and politicians working to battle climate change.The process is called…