Key deer are now facing new perils from saltwater intrusion, development and extreme weather, which could eventually force them to be moved out of the Florida Keys entirely.
The Key deer is losing the only place it lives, raising uncomfortable questions for the people tasked with keeping endangered species alive.
Should humans rescue animals from the perils of climate change?
Both species were targeted under the Trump administration for a status change despite worsening threats.
The Sierra Club sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service after it quietly began reevaluating the status of the endangered deer and refused to make reports public.
The endangered Key deer are one of the iconic animals of South Florida. The small deer are popular with tourists for photos. But, it can be dangerous...
U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials recommended that Key deer be "delisted due to recovery," but advocates say the Key deer population was hit hard by Hurricane Irma and its aftermath.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife officials Thursday evening faced a crowd of Keys residents strongly opposed to removing the Key deer from the Endangered...
The federal government is considering removing the iconic Key deer from the Endangered Species List.
The endangered Key deer herd was already coming out of a tough year — the herd lost more than 100 animals to New World screwworm. So when the eye of...
Wildlife officials say a screwworm infestation in the Florida Keys seems to be declining, which is good news for a unique deer herd threatened by the...
Wildlife officials have fitted 30 female Key deer with radio tracking collars amid a screwworm infestation threatening the endangered herd.