Women are the fastest growing group within the veteran population according to the Veterans Health Administration. Yet female vets may not identify…
A University of South Florida student veteran has gained national recognition for her work raising funds and increasing awareness of issues concerning…
Here's a pair of videos, courtesy of University of South Florida Communications & Marketing Department, taken in Washington, D.C. Monday, shortly after…
Congratulations to Kiersten Downs, former president of the University of South Florida Student Veterans Association. The Air Force veteran achieved her…
It’s been just over a month since University of South Florida student veteran Kiersten Downs dipped her bicycle’s rear wheel into the Pacific Ocean – a…
There are apparently all sorts of traditions and tips when cycling coast to coast across the USA.One tradition is to dip your rear wheel in the ocean at…
USF student Kiersten Downs is counting down the days to June 1st, when she'll hop on her bicycle in San Francisco and start riding. She won't stop until…