Florida Policy Institute CEO Sadaf Knight discusses minimum wage going up and what to do if you’re not getting the money you’re owed.
The raises will impact 95 different job titles. Housekeepers, cooks and security guards will see the biggest differences, the company said.
Theme park workers met in Orange County on Monday to discuss how inflation and an affordable housing crisis are making it harder for them to live and work in Florida.
The budget proposal also represents a significant investment toward making sure every child can read by the third grade.
The minimum wage is now $10 an hour on its way to $15 an hour in years to come. Also, Gov. DeSantis tells state police not to work with immigration authorities helping to relocate undocumented migrants
One of the biggest hurdles remains finding people to work in the leisure and hospitality industries, which were among the hardest-hit fields during the pandemic.
It's a story of unintended consequences, or perhaps, the story of political backlash that should be expected when the state passes laws that overly restrict local governments from making their own decisions.
About two-dozen new laws kicked in this week, including those addressing minimum wage and electronic cigarettes.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, average weekly wages in Florida’s 25 largest counties were below the national average of $1,173 in the third quarter of 2020.
The colossal package allocates money for COVID-19 vaccines, small businesses and anti-poverty programs like the child tax credit. Here are the highlights of the bill President Biden signed Thursday.
More than half of workers surveyed said they were reluctant to enforce COVID-19 safety measures with customers from whom they would receive tips, according to the One Fair Wage study.
Amendment 2, which will raise Florida’s minimum wage to $10/hour in 2021 and to $15/hour in five years, was approved by 61% of voters.