There's less than a month left to enroll for health insurance plans on the Affordable Care Act marketplace and so far this year fewer people have been…
Open enrollment for health insurance plans in the Affordable Care Act marketplace for 2019 coverage started Thursday and consumers will have less help…
About 1.6 million Floridians are enrolled in Affordable Care Act Marketplace plans.Open enrollment starts Nov. 1 and ends Dec. 15. Florida Blue offers…
People ages 65 and older and those with qualifying disabilities have until December 7 to choose between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage which...
More than 700,000 Floridians selected or were automatically re-enrolled in Obamacare plans during the final week of regular enrollment, bringing the...
This year is six weeks shorter than last year. Not on the calendar, or course, but there are six fewer weeks this year for people getting their health...
Obamacare enrollment is off to a strong start in Florida and around the nation, according to national data and those who help people sign up for health...
The 2018 annual open-enrollment period for coverage on the health insurance marketplaces starts Wednesday. But if you don’t take care of lingering...
The federal government is expanding the length of the open enrollment period for Medicare and Obamacare health insurance policies in Florida and other...
Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell visited Tampa on Tuesday to remind Floridians they’re in the final days to enroll in the federal...
Open enrollment on HealthCare.gov started Sunday, and federal health officials expect the third year of open enrollment to be more challenging than in...
It's open enrollment time for many people who have health insurance through their job, and Florida’s state employees are among those who are thinking...