Florida Rising and LULAC Florida filed notices that they were appealing the Public Service Commission's rate approval to the Florida Supreme Court.
Tampa Electric asked the commission to approve a $287.98 million increase in 2025, followed by increases of $92.37 million in 2026 and $65.47 million in 2027.
Across all personal lines of insurance — a category that includes policies for homeowners, condominium-unit owners, renters and mobile homes — the average increase would be 14 percent.
TECO sent a letter to the chairman of the Florida Public Service Commission, asking to raise profits through a series of rate increase that would increase revenues by a total of more than $1.1 billion over the next three years.
TECO withdrew a petition to avoid a survey that advocates say ensures rate hikes are assigned fairlyAdvocates said they drove hundreds of comments to the Florida Public Service Commission requesting it do a full and balanced cost of service study, including individual letters from two Hillsborough commissioners.
Florida insurers selling health insurance under the Affordable Care Act requested the lowest premium hikes since the law's inception, despite numerous...
Pointing to Hurricane Irma and other recent storms, Duke Energy Florida and Tampa Electric Company on Thursday filed proposals to collect millions from…