The Gasparilla pirates invaded Tampa again, meaning thousands of parade-goers dressed like pirates lined Bayshore Boulevard, parading with stuffed parrots and, yes, drinking lots of alcohol.
While some expressed concerns about safety, others who have previously attended say the security measures that city leaders have put in place are enough to ward off any potential threats.
The FBI is looking into the past travels of the suspect in the deadly New Year’s Day truck attack that claimed 14 lives in New Orleans.
Gerald Radford testified that he feared for his own life when he shot John “Walt” Lay at a Tampa dog park on Feb. 2.
About 30 teams competed to see whose crafts could travel furthest before crashing into the water.
City officials are citing water pump and generator failures for some of the flooding.
The death was apparently the first in Florida related to the hurricane, which was producing tropical storm-strength winds in the Tampa Bay area.
The city has been clearing storm drains and removed around 84 tons of debris. Some flood-prone areas could see more of the same from Helene.
There's lots of interest in Tampa Bay Sun FC even before they play their first game.
Despite the weekend's wet weather, Tampa officials say there's not enough water to go around.
Part of a new citywide initiative in partnership with the nonprofit Current Initiatives, “Suds and Solutions,” offers access to free laundry services and government resources right at the laundromat.
People living in East Tampa are disproportionately affected by the heat with older homes positioned further away from green spaces.