Local government leaders from across Florida tell the Times they support their community’s fertilizer bans.
"The idea behind using sporopollenin is that now you create a permanent storage for that carbon — that carbon is not going back to the atmosphere," said Matias Kirst with UF.
Florida scientists are determining how cattle grazing impacts plants, green house gas emissions, and carbon stored in the soil, using collars and cell towers.
The peanut butter can be donated at locations statewide as a way to help those in need while bringing communities together.
A new invasive insect may not have the size of the much-talked about "murder hornet," but the smaller, winged meanie is just a big a threat to honeybees everywhere — and possibly Florida soon — after two were spotted and captured in Georgia.
Nearly 20 years after citrus greening appeared in Florida, exhausted farmers and researchers struggle to survive a disease destroying the state’s quintessential crop.
The university is working with counties across the state to research solutions and educate the public about sustainable practices.
Farmers and food researchers plan for more severe storms and higher temperatures.
We discuss the future of technology in Florida’s ag industry with a national leader in developing the science that supports food production and management of natural resources.
Vance Whitaker, with the UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in Wimauma, discusses the science behind breeding the berries and offers insight into the … umm … field.
It's the latest blow to Florida's citrus industry, which has struggled for two decades with deadly citrus-greening disease.
One Florida grower reported saving about $30,000 over three years by using the FAWN weather stations. Another reported saving $1,000 per year since 2010, and a third said tens of thousands of dollars were saved between 2010 and 2018.