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Jerry (of Ben & Jerry's) Promises Tasty Talk

USF News

You might not recognize the name "Jerry Greenfield," but take away the last name and add "Ben and..." and everyone suddenly knows the ice cream magnate.

Greenfield will bring that notoriety, along with his business acumen (and some tasty treats), to USF's Tampa campus Monday night as part of the University Lecture Series.

According to USF News, lecture series officials picked Greenfield because of his success: he took $12,000, a leased gas station and an idea hatched with partner Ben Cohen, and turned it into one of the world's leading frozen dessert makers.  

Greenfield is also expected to discuss his company’s commitment to the environment and the community. Sustainability can be applied to more areas than just business, and so ULS hopes to attract more than one type of student with the event. “We felt strongly about him just because of the different aspect you get for the student population. You get the entrepreneurial spirit as well as the sustainability of running a company green,” (ULS executive director Romel) Boiser said.

Greenfield will speak at 8:00 p.m. Monday on the second floor of the Marshall Student Center. There's a meet-and-greet session immediately after his speech, and attendees will also receive a free Ben & Jerry's sample. Like all ULS presentations (click here for a schedule of upcoming talks), Greenfield's speech is free to USF students, faculty, staff and the general public.

Mark Schreiner is the assistant news director and intern coordinator for WUSF News.
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